Thursday, July 28, 2016

Message from the Principal (20th July 2016)

Dear Parents and Students,
You may have already learned from the media that our student, F.5D Yau Chak-ming, Carson, and his family were attacked on a train in Germany. The following summarizes the latest information:
1. The class teacher of F.5D, Mr. Mok Ka-lun, has already contacted Carson. He is now safe and unhurt.
2. Chinese Embassy officials have arrived and are providing assistance.
3. The vice-chairperson of our School Council, Ms. Tsui Ka-wah, Jennifer, is in Germany. She has contacted Carson and proposed to provide assistance.
4. Hong Kong Immigration Department has deployed 4 officials to accompany Carson’s family members to visit Carson and his injured family members.
5. To avoid inconvenience caused by excessive greeting messages, please do not send messages or phone calls to Carson directly as he may have to handle more urgent matters at this stage. You are invited to include Carson’s family and other victims in your prayer, giving them good strength in body and soul to face and overcome difficulties.
6. This accident might cause emotional disturbance. Please be on alert of student’s emotional reactions towards this accident. For further assistance, please call our school office (Tel. number: 36553328) to contact Mr. Mok Ka-lun (F.5D Class Teacher), Ms. Chung Yau-lin (Counselling Mistress) or Mr. Lui Hang-sum, Louis (Assistant Principal). We are ready to render additional support.
7. The school is paying close attention to the case. We will provide appropriate support to Carson upon his return to Hong Kong. The latest progress will be updated through the school email on a need basis.
Lastly, we sincerely invite you to uphold our school motto ‘All for One, One for all’ and earnestly pray for Carson’s family and other victims in the incident. May God bring comfort and heal upon them.
“If you say, ‘The Lord is my refuge,’ and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” (Psalm 91:9-12)
1. 班主任莫嘉麟老師已與澤銘取得聯絡,得知其現時安全,身體狀況良好,並與家人在一起。
2. 中國大使館官員已經到達及正提供協助。
3. 校董會徐嘉華副主席剛巧亦在德國事發地點附近,她本人已與澤銘取得聯絡,並向其提出可提供協助。
4. 香港入境處已派遣4名人員陪同家屬前赴當地,走訪各醫院探訪澤銘受傷家人。
5. 為了避免令到當事人現階段接收過多的問候信息,因而阻礙他處理更重要的事情,請暫時不要發短訊或以電話聯絡及慰問澤銘。大家可將問候和祝福的心意,放在禱告裏記念,支持他們一家及其他在事件中受傷的人,好等他們在身心靈上得到力量,去面對及克服各種困難。
6. 亦請家長及老師留意澤銘的同學群,如他們有一些不尋常的情緒,在這段時間可透過校務處(電話號碼﹕36553328)聯絡F. 5D班班主任莫嘉麟老師、輔導主任鍾有蓮老師或呂恒森協理副校長。
7. 校方會密切注意事態發展,在澤銘回港後提供適切的支援,並會按需要在學校內聯電郵更新相關資料。
「耶和華是我的避難所﹔你已將至高者當你的居所,禍患必不臨到你,災害也不挨近你的帳棚。因他要為你吩咐他的使者,在你行的一切道路上保護你。他們要用手托着你,免得你的腳碰在石頭上。」(詩 91:9­12)